A large variety of UIActivities have been published to provide support for additional services in iOS:
Why has no Flickr UIActivity been published? Googling yields almost no mention of this. I'm guessing there's something about the Flickr authentication that does not play nice with UIActivityController but I'd appreciate any additional info. Numerous blogs have reported 'possible' Flickr integration in iOS 7 but I can't wait for that and I'd prefer to use UIActivityController over ObjectiveFlickr or ShareKit. Thanks.
As mentioned in your question, there is support for Flickr in iOS. From UIKit/UIActivity.h:
UIKIT_EXTERN NSString *const UIActivityTypePostToFlickr NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);
And as the others mentioned, you're free to build your own UIActivity subclass which supports Flickr uploading as well. For that I would suggest the note on subclassing UIActivity in the docs.