I'm dealing with something quite stupid here (I think).
I'm using PUGXMultiUserBundle in a Symfony2 project, but submitting a registration form (for each of my register form types) takes me back to the same form, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Assuming I've followed "succesfully" steps 1..6 from PUGXMultiUserBundle documentation (https://github.com/PUGX/PUGXMultiUserBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/index.md), and having the above stated behaviour... Where did I mess so badly?
*PUGXMultiUserBundle code and behaviour is spread along many files, I will provide the code you guys need to help to identify the issue, if we can circle it to a certain part.
Thanks in advance!
1 Make sure you've setup the route correctly:
# Acme/UserBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
pattern: /register/user-one
defaults: { _controller: AcmeUserBundle:RegistrationUserOne:register }
pattern: /register/user-two
defaults: { _controller: AcmeUserBundle:RegistrationUserTwo:register }
2 When you go at /register/user-one
, you should see:
, and when you go at /register/user-two
, you should see AcmeUserBundle:Registration:user_two.form.html.twig
3 And I have a feeling your error is in your template:
So, when you submit the form in your view, you have to submit it to the right method:
In AcmeUserBundle:Registration:user_one.form.html.twig
<form action="{{ path('user_one_registration') }}" {{ form_enctype(form) }} method="POST">
In AcmeUserBundle:Registration:user_two.form.html.twig
<form action="{{ path('user_two_registration') }}" {{ form_enctype(form) }} method="POST">