l learned that Python is strong-dynamic typed language.
dynamic: type of a variable is determined at execution time NOT compiling time. For this part, I can understand that type is determined when a value(type of course) is assigned to the variable.
strong: you can NOT change the type of a variable. But this is not the real case:
>>> a = 1
>>> type(a)
<type 'int'>
>>> a = 's'
>>> type(a)
<type 'str'>
From the code above, I can change the type of variable a from int to str.
How can this happen? Could I say Python is a weak-typed language?
If you can give me a code snippet that shows how strong-dynamic typing affect Python programming, I would appreciate it pretty much! During my usual coding, I never care about the strong-dynamic typing issues. It seldom affects my code function as well. Weird!
Conclusion from the answers:
The key is that an object retains its type no matter what you do to it. An int is an int is an int; a str is a str; a float is a float. In a weakly typed language, you can do something like
i = "1"
j = i + 2
and get j == 3. In python, you get
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
A str is always a str, and can't be treated as an int even if the string contains a number.
Try this:
for a in {1, 'abc', 3.14159}:
print a
print type(a)
which will produce
<type 'float'>
<type 'int'>
<type 'str'>
A single variable can be set to refer to any type of object - that's the "dynamic" part of it. But the object is always of the same type no matter how you refer to it - that's the "strong" part of it.