My WP8 app has some audio or videos, I'd like to share them with other plateform devices, such as iPhone or android devices. The first thing that comes to mind is Bluetooth. Can I realize this feature in my app? And how to do it? Thank you!
I've worked with iOS Bluetooth extensively and the different ways you can share data over Bluetooth is by:
So, bottom line, you CAN NOT send raw audio or video data from WP8 and Android to your iPhone unless you jailbreak the iPhone and put a new stack. iOS's BT stack is really limiting in that way, as I've learned the hard way.
On the bright side, you can definitely send raw data between Android and WP8 over Bluetooth. You have to create an RFCOMM socket on both ends (one sending; one listening). The Bluetooth profile used for this sort of data transfer is called a Serial Port Profile.