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Are numbered headings in Markdown / Rdiscount possible?

I'm trying to produce html with section / subsection headings resembling the following:

  1. My top-level topic
    1.1 My first subtopic
    1.2 Another subtopic
          1.2.1 A sub-subtopic
  2. Another top-level topic

Are there any implementations of Markdown capable of producing these kinds of numbered section headings?


  • Yes, try Pandoc. This works for me:

    pandoc --number-sections < > out.html


    Markdown to produce the numbered outline you mention in the original post looks like this:

    # My top-level topic
    ## My first subtopic
    ## Another subtopic
    ### A sub-subtopic
    ## Another top-level topic

    If you want deeper indenting for sub-sections, you might be able to achieve this with inline CSS. For example, placing this at the top of the above Markdown source indents the headers:

    <style type="text/css">
      h2 { margin-left: 10px; }
      h3 { margin-left: 20px; }

    But say you had paragraphs of text under your headings... I don't know how to indent that to the same level as the above header.

    Update 2015-10-18: Markdeep has numbered headings (and many other fancy features). Check that out too!