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How to get ActionBar view?

I'm using the Showcase library to explain my application feature to the user. In some point I need to dim the whole ActionBar to present another feature to the user.

For that I'm using the setAlpha(float num) of the View class. And so for doing that I need to get the actual view instance of my ActionBar

By the way, I'm using the support-7-appcompat library that gives ActionBar support for older systems.


In the meantime I found this option, if you configure a custom view and add it to you ActionBar using:


Then to get the View of the ActionBar you could do:

(View) activity.getSupportActionBar().getCustomView().getParent().getParent()

Is there a simpler or easier way to do that?


  • Yep. You can actually get the view by using this function:

    public View getActionBarView() {
        Window window = getWindow();
        View v = window.getDecorView();
        int resId = getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar_container", "id", "android");
        return v.findViewById(resId);

    Pretty much the way this works is that the actionbar container uses the id, but this id is not public. Therefore we use getIdentifier() to retrieve this id and then the rest is simple.