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How do I use Spring Boot to serve static content located in Dropbox folder?

I have a Spring Boot web application, and I would like to serve static content located in a shared Dropbox directory on my Linode VPS (~/Dropbox/images). I've read that Spring Boot will automatically serve static content from


but of course my Dropbox directory is not on the classpath.

Although I could configure Apache to serve the images in my Dropbox folder, I would like to take advantage of Spring Security to restrict access of the static content to authenticated users.


  • You can add your own static resource handler (it overwrites the default), e.g.

    public class StaticResourceConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
        public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

    There is some documentation about this in Spring Boot, but it's really just a vanilla Spring MVC feature.

    Also since spring boot 1.2 (I think) you can simply set spring.resources.staticLocations.