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Angularjs unit test with $rootScope and $httpBackend

I have a service which fires a HTTP request. This request makes use of the $rootScope.config object (there is my base url stored), but for some reason when I use $httpBackend, $rootScope is not loaded correct.


myAppServices.factory('Auth', function($rootScope, $http, $cookieStore){   
  return {
    logout: function(success, error) {
      $http.get($rootScope.config.apiUrl + '/users/logout').then(function(response){
      }, function(response) {


describe('services', function() {
  var Auth;
  var $httpBackend;
  var $cookieStore;
  var $rootScope;

  beforeEach(function() {

  beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
    $httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
    $cookieStore = $injector.get('$cookieStore');
    $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
    Helper = $injector.get('Helper');
    Auth = $injector.get('Auth');

  afterEach(function() {

describe('logout', function() {
  it('should make a request and invoke callback', function() {
    // I try to set $rootScope here, works in my other tests, but not in this test
    $rootScope = { config: { apiUrl: 'foo' } };

    var invoked = false;
    var success = function() {
      invoked = true;
    var error = function() {};

    Auth.logout(success, error);
    $rootScope = { config: { apiUrl: 'foo' } };

It normally works when I set $rootScope in my test to some value, but not in this test.

Why is it that $rootScope does not have the config attribute in my service, when using $httpBackend?


  • The problem:

    There are two different things with the same name that cause confusion:

    • There is the $rootScope (the actual $rootScope that is the ancestor of all Scopes and is injected through Angular's Dependency Injection).
    • And there is a local variable named $rootScope that you declare in your test-suite.

    For the sake of clarity, I will refer to the latter as $rootScope{var}.

    Here is what's going on:

    1. At some point $rootScope will be injected into your service's constructor (to be used later on when making the $http request).

    2. $rootScope{var} is initialized to the value returned by $injector.get('$rootScope');.
      At this point $rootScope and $rootScope{var} are the same object.

    3. This line: $rootScope = { config: { apiUrl: 'foo' } }; creates a new object and assigns it as the value of $rootScope{var}.
      At this point $rootScope and $rootScope{var} are not the same object any more.

    4. $rootScope{var} does have a config property, but your service is going to use $rootScope, which knows nothing about config.

    The solution:

    In order to add the config property to the actual $rootScope change your code like this:

    $rootScope.config = { apiUrl: 'foo' };