I'm starting to implement validation in my WPF project via the IDataErrorInfo interface. My business object contains multiple properties with validation info. How do I get a list of ALL the error messages associated with the object. My thought is that thats what the Error property is for, but I cannot track down anyone using this for reporting on multiple properties.
public string this[string property]
get {
string msg = null;
switch (property)
case "LastName":
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
msg = "Need a last name";
case "FirstName":
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
msg = "Need a first name";
throw new ArgumentException(
"Unrecognized property: " + property);
return msg;
public string Error
return null ;
Yeah, I see where you could use the indexer. Not a bad way to go I guess. I was really focused on the 'Error' property though. I like the notion of having the errors contained within the business object. I think what I want to do doesnt exist natively, so I just created a dictionary of errors (updated anytime a property changes) on the object and let the Error return a CarriageReturn delimited list of errors, like so :
public string this[string property]
get {
string msg = null;
switch (property)
case "LastName":
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))
msg = "Need a last name";
case "FirstName":
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))
msg = "Need a first name";
throw new ArgumentException(
"Unrecognized property: " + property);
if (msg != null && !errorCollection.ContainsKey(property))
errorCollection.Add(property, msg);
if (msg == null && errorCollection.ContainsKey(property))
return msg;
public string Error
if(errorCollection.Count == 0)
return null;
StringBuilder errorList = new StringBuilder();
var errorMessages = errorCollection.Values.GetEnumerator();
while (errorMessages.MoveNext())
return errorList.ToString();