I need help with a formatting issue. I wanted the amount of indentation for the HSC Privacy address section to match the HSC Security address section and something isn't working right. I thought I had the classes set correctly, but something is overriding the previous class I think and I don't know how to fix it.
<link href="../privacy/internal/css/turquoise.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!--HSC Compliance Office webpage starts here-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="complianceCSS.css">
<h1 class="allpages">HIPAA</h1>
<div id="hipaa">
<div class="privacy">
<h4>HIPAA Privacy</h4>
<img class="computer" alt="computer" src="computer.jpg" height="167">
<p>The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 <b>
(“HIPAA”)</b> protects the <a href="http://www.hhs.gov /ocr/privacy/hipaa/administrative/privacyrule/index.html"
title="Privacy Rule">privacy</a> and confidentiality of an individual's health information.  Known as “protected
health information” or “PHI”, the health information <b>generally </b>cannot be used or disclosed unless
the individual who is the subject of the PHI has given prior written 
<a href="http://hsc.unm.edu/admin/privacy/docs/Authorization to
Use and Disclose Health Information_1.pdf" title="Authorization">authorization</a> or permission.</p>
<p>For more information about Privacy issues at the University of New Mexico please contact the
<a href="http://hsc.unm.edu/admin/privacy/index.html "
target="_blank" title="Privacy Office">Privacy Office</a>
<p class="contact">
<h5 style="text-decoration:underline;>Physical Location:</h5><br>
University of New Mexico, North Campus
<br>Basic Research Facility "BRF", Room B23B<br>
Mailing Address:</h5>
<br>University of New Mexico
<br>Health Sciences Center
<br> 1 University of New Mexico
<br>Phone: (505) 272-1521
<br>Fax: (505)272-2461
<br><a href="mailto:privacy@salud.unm.edu">privacy@salud.unm.edu</a>
<div class="security">
<h4>HIPAA Security</h4>
<a href="docs/secfacts.pdf">
Security Rule Fact Sheet</a> sets standards for the security of electronic health information (ePHI).
Published in 2003, it defines a series of administrative, technical, and physical security procedures for
covered entities to use to ensure the confidentiality of ePHI.</p>
<p>For more information about Security issues at the University of New Mexico please contact:
<p class="contact">
<a href="http://hsc.unm.edu/admin/privacy/index.html "target="_blank" title="HSC Security Office">HSC Security Office</a>
<br>Barney Metzner
<br>HSC Information Security Officer
<br>(505) 272-1696
<br><a href="mailto:HSC-ISO@salud.unm.edu">ISO@salud.unm.edu</a>
#hipaa {background-color: #eeeeee; width: 655px; border: solid; border color:#e9e9e9;margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}
.computer {float: right; margin: 0px 20px 5px 20px;}
.privacy {padding: 25px 0px 5px 40px;}
.contact{padding: 0px 20px 0px 40px;}
.security{padding: 10px 20px 20px 40px;}
The problem lies with the <h5>
tag being nested inside of your <p class="contact">
tag. Without changing any of your other syntax, you can move the <h5>
above the <p>
tag as demonstrated in this JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hJHRT/
Example in Code:
<h5 style="text-decoration:underline;">Physical Location:</h5>
<p class="contact">
University of New Mexico, North Campus<br>
Basic Research Facility " BRF ", Room B23B<br><br>
Mailing Address:<br>
University of New Mexico<br>
Health Sciences Center<br>
1 University of New Mexico<br><br>
Phone: (505) 272-1521<br>
Fax: (505)272-2461<br>
<a href="mailto:privacy@salud.unm.edu ">privacy@salud.unm.edu</a>