I have a service that automatically uploads documents to a SharePoint 2013 Document Library. I created a simple workflow that starts when a new item is created and just sends an email notification; however, the workflow only starts when I manually add a document and not when it's uploaded by the service. Thank you in advance for any ideas on how to resolve it.
I had to add some code to start a workflow after the app does its stuff:
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;
static void StartWorkflow(SPListItem listItem, SPSite spSite, string wfName)
SPList parentList = listItem.ParentList;
SPWorkflowAssociationCollection associationCollection = parentList.WorkflowAssociations;
foreach (SPWorkflowAssociation association in associationCollection)
if (association.Name == wfName)
association.AutoStartChange = true;
association.AutoStartCreate = false;
association.AssociationData = string.Empty;
spSite.WorkflowManager.StartWorkflow(listItem, association, association.AssociationData);