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Reverse Engineering from a DB using EF Power Tools

I'm using EF Power Tools to Reverse Engineering from a DB.

while in the context it properly writes

public DbSet<Users> Users { get; set; }

in the entity class it writes

public partial class User

Where the system is changing the name of the table from 'Users' (correct) to 'User' (not correct)?

Please note that i modified the

    foreach (var set in efHost.EntityContainer.BaseEntitySets.OfType<EntitySet>())
        public DbSet<<#= set.Name #>> <#= set.Name #> { get; set; }

because in my context i want to have

 public DbSet<TABLE_NAME> TABLE_NAME { get; set; }


  • It should be after the line (or not far)

    namespace <#= code.EscapeNamespace(efHost.Namespace) #>


    You should find a line public class <#= efHost.EntityType.Name #> which you'll have to change.

    By the way, I think it's a bad idea, as this way of naming is a kind of convention for EF :

    DbSet is pluralized, class is in the singular.