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With new relic's http api, how do you turn off uptime monitoring?

I am attempting to turn off uptime monitoring, using curl, per the instructions given in new relics documentation here:

According to this documentation, this request will disable my uptime monitoring:

curl -X POST -H "X-Api-Key: "my_key"

Here is the request that I am using (stripped of personal info): curl "" -X POST -H "X-Api-Key:x...x"

I have used my acct_id, app_id, and x-api-key successfully for other GET commands. However when I attempt the above command I get this error:

  <error>The requested page could not be found</error>

According to this stack exchange post: Turn Newrelic monitoring on or off via rest api there is not a way to do this, but that conflicts with the documentation.

So, is there a way to accomplish this? Has anyone successfully done this?


  • Assuming that "uptime monitoring" refers to Availability Monitoring, this must be accomplished by disabling the policy that controls the monitoring. This can be found by using a command like this to determine the policy id number

    curl -X GET '' -gH "X-Api-Key:<APIKEY>" -i -d 'filter[name]=<POLICY_NAME>' 

    If the policy name contains spaces, substitute with '+'.

    From the output, locate the POLICY_ID

          <id>104446</id>    <----<<<< POLICY_ID

    Also identify the condition id by scanning the output for 'availability' and note the ID number.

         <id>997294</id>   <----<<<<   CONDITION_ID

    Now use the resultant POLICY_ID and CONDITON_ID to disable the policy.

    curl -X PUT '<POLICY_ID>.json' \
         -H 'X-Api-Key:<APIKEY>' -i \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -d \
        "conditions": [
             "id": <CONDITION_ID>,
             "enabled": false

    Note that once the POLICY_ID and CONDITION_ID are determined, only the last command is required.