I have a website (which running in Amazon EC2 Instance) running Python Bottle application with CherryPy as its front end web server.
Now I need to add another website with a different domain name already registered. To reduce the cost, I want to utilize the existing website host to do that.
Obviously, virtual host is the solution.
I know Apache mod_wsgi could play the trick. But I don't want to replace CherryPy.
I've googled a a lot, there are some articles showing how to make virtual hosts on CherryPy, but they all assume Cherrypy as Web Sever + Web application, Not CherrPy as Web server and Bottle as Application.
How to use CherrPy as Web server and Bottle as Application to support multiple virtual hosts?
As you mentioned, use VirtualHost. In the example cherrypy.Application
instances are used, but any WSGI callable (e. g. Bottle app) will do.