I need a little help for creating a generic method for fetching data from dbcontext and pass the 'orderby' clause as parameter.
So far a managed to do this:
public virtual Task<List<T>> GetListAsync(Expression<Func<T, object>> orderby, bool asc = true)
IQueryable<T> dbQuery = _dbContext.Set<T>();
if (orderby != null)
UnaryExpression UnExp = (UnaryExpression)orderby.Body;
MemberExpression Exp = (MemberExpression)UnExp.Operand;
var propInfo = (PropertyInfo)Exp.Member;
//need new sort expression
dbQuery = asc ? dbQuery.OrderBy(orderby) : dbQuery.OrderByDescending(orderby);
return dbQuery.ToListAsync<T>();
The part where I need help is how to convert
Expression<Func<T, object>> orderby
Expression<Func<T, "propInfo.PropertyType">> sortExpression
at runtime.I want to avoid sending extra type only for the sort expression.
Expression<Func<T, TKey>> orderby
With current implementation there is no problem with string parameter like
var data = await GetListAsync(it => it.Name);
but if I try to sort by int parameter
var data = await GetListAsync(it => it.Id);
throws exception.Is that what I want achievable? Any help and advices are appreciated. Thanks
After more research I made this solution:
public virtual Task<List<T>> GetListAsync(Func<IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>> orderby)
IQueryable<T> dbQuery = _dbContext.Set<T>();
if (orderby != null)
if (orderby != null)
dbQuery = orderby(dbQuery);
return dbQuery.ToListAsync<T>();
and usage:
var data = await GetListAsync(q => q.OrderBy(it => it.Name))
I hope this help someone.