I have a couple of questions about searching in graphs/trees:
Let's assume I have an empty chess board and I want to move a pawn around from point A to B.
A. When using depth first search or breadth first search must we use open and closed lists ? This is, a list that has all the elements to check, and other with all other elements that were already checked? Is it even possible to do it without having those lists? What about A*, does it need it?
B. When using lists, after having found a solution, how can you get the sequence of states from A to B? I assume when you have items in the open and closed list, instead of just having the (x, y) states, you have an "extended state" formed with (x, y, parent_of_this_node) ?
C. State A has 4 possible moves (right, left, up, down). If I do as first move left, should I let it in the next state come back to the original state? This, is, do the "right" move? If not, must I transverse the search tree every time to check which states I've been to?
D. When I see a state in the tree where I've already been, should I just ignore it, as I know it's a dead end? I guess to do this I'd have to always keep the list of visited states, right?
E. Is there any difference between search trees and graphs? Are they just different ways to look at the same thing?
A. When using depth first search or breadth first search must we use open and closed lists ?
With DFS you definitely need to store at least the current path. Otherwise you would not be able to backtrack. If you decide upon maintaining a list of all visited (closed) nodes, you are able to detect and avoid cycles (expanding the same node more than once). On the other side you don't have the space efficiency of DFS anymore. DFS without closed list only needs space proportional to the depth of the search space.
With BFS you need to maintain an open list (sometimes called fringe). Otherwise the algorithm simply can't work. When you additionally maintain a closed list, you will (again) be able to detect/avoid cycles. With BFS the additional space for the closed list might be not that bad, since you have to maintain the fringe anyway. The relation between fringe size and closed list size strongly depends upon the structure of the search space, so this has to be considered here. E.g. for a branching factor of 2, both lists are equal in size and the impact of having the closed list doesn't seem very bad compared to its benefits.
What about A*, does it need it?
A*, as it can be seen as some special (informed) type of BFS, needs the open list. Omitting the closed list is more delicate than with BFS; also deciding upon updating costs inside the closed list. Depending upon those decisions, the algorithm can stop being optimal and/or complete depending on the type of heuristic used, etc. I won't go into details here.
Yup, the closed list should form some kind of inverse tree (pointers going towards the root node), so you can extract the solution path. You usually need the closed list for doing this. For DFS, your current stack is exactly the solution path (no need for closed list here). Also note that sometimes you are not interested in the path but only in the solution or the existence of it.
Read previous answers and look for the parts which talk about the detection of cycles.
To avoid cycles with a closed list: don't expand nodes that are already inside the closed list. Note: with path-costs coming into play (remember A*), things might get more tricky.
E. Is there any difference between search trees and graphs?
You could consider searches that maintain a closed list to avoid cycles as graph-searches and those without one tree-searches.