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phptwitterphirehose returns 403 Forbidden error

I use Twitter streaming API (POST to monitor tweets. It worked up to 01/13/2014, and sinse that time it returns 403 error; from documentation I see that this error code means "The connecting account is not permitted to access this endpoint." I tried different applications and accounts, as well as 2 different servers (to make sure that it is not IP ban for any reason), but this error appears always. I know about API movement from HTTP to HTTPS, but it shouldn't be a problem, because I use HTTPS anyway. Does anyone use filter.json successfully now and what may be a reason of this issue?


  • i had the same problem, i use the 140dev streaming api PHP application.

    I solved it by upgrading the Phirehose-library, according to this post:

    BUT: I also needed to change the caps lock in OauthPhirehouse.php at the first line, from:

    require_once('Phirehose.php'); to: require_once('phirehose.php');

    And i also had to change the name of Phirehose.php to phirehose.php (all small letters).