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Setting missing value of slot to default value

I'm not an expert on S4 but started after getting some help online. The following code works fine and now I want to set default value of alpha=0.05 if alpha is missing in call.

setClass(Class = "Test",
         representation = representation(
                                          data    = "data.frame",
                                          rep     = "numeric",
                                          MSE     = "numeric",
                                          alpha   = "numeric"

            f = "initialize",
            signature = "Test",
            definition = function(.Object, data, rep, MSE, alpha)
                .Object@data  <- data
                .Object@rep   <- rep
                .Object@MSE   <- MSE
                .Object@alpha <- alpha

new(Class= "Test", data = Data, rep = 4, MSE = 1.8, alpha = 0.1)


  • You need to use the prototype argument.

    From the help page of ?setClass

    prototype: an object providing the default data for the slots in this class. By default, each will be the prototype object for the superclass. If provided, using a call to ‘prototype’ will carry out some checks.

    So we can do something this

    if(isClass("Test")) removeClass("Test")
    setClass(Class = "Test",
             representation = representation(
             data    = "data.frame",
             rep     = "numeric",
             MSE     = "numeric",
             alpha   = "numeric"
             prototype = list(
             alpha = 0.05
    new("Test", data = data.frame(1), rep = 4, MSE = 2.2)
    ## An object of class "Test"
    ## Slot "data":
    ##   X1
    ## 1  1
    ## Slot "rep":
    ## [1] 4
    ## Slot "MSE":
    ## [1] 2.2
    ## Slot "alpha":
    ## [1] 0.05