I am using the following ~/.vimrc with MacVim 7.4 on MacOS X Mavericks:
set guifont=Menlo:h14
set encoding=utf8
set mouse=a
set expandtab
set ts=8
set showcmd
set nocompatible
set backspace=2
set viminfo='20,\"50
set history=50
set ruler
set si
set hlsearch
syntax on
set bg=light
hi Cursor term=inverse ctermfg=black guifg=black guibg=green
hi Visual term=inverse ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=black guifg=yellow guibg=black
hi Comment term=inverse ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black guifg=white guibg=black
hi Identifier term=NONE ctermfg=black guifg=black
hi Constant term=underline ctermfg=darkred guifg=red
hi Statement term=bold ctermfg=blue guifg=blue
hi PreProc term=NONE ctermfg=black guifg=black gui=underline
hi Special term=NONE ctermfg=black guifg=black
hi Type term=bold ctermfg=blue guifg=blue
and can see that the editor takes all the settings from that file (the font family and its size, the show ruler and tab settings, ...), but not the colors:
Only after I issue the command :so ~/.vimrc
does it take my color settings too (red and blue with inverted comments):
Does anybody please know, what is happening, why doesn't MacVim pick up the syntax colors too?
Below is the :version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 10 2013 18:40:52)
MacOS X (unix) version
Compiled by Douglas Drumond <douglas@eee19.com>
Huge version with MacVim GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +emacs_tags +localmap +postscript +textobjects
+autocmd +eval -lua +printer +title
+balloon_eval +ex_extra +menu +profile +toolbar
+browse +extra_search +mksession +python +transparency
++builtin_terms +farsi +modify_fname -python3 +user_commands
+byte_offset +file_in_path +mouse +quickfix +vertsplit
+cindent +find_in_path +mouseshape +reltime +virtualedit
+clientserver +float +mouse_dec +rightleft +visual
+clipboard +folding -mouse_gpm +ruby +visualextra
+cmdline_compl -footer -mouse_jsbterm +scrollbind +viminfo
+cmdline_hist +fork() +mouse_netterm +signs +vreplace
+cmdline_info +fullscreen +mouse_sgr +smartindent +wildignore
+comments -gettext -mouse_sysmouse -sniff +wildmenu
+conceal -hangul_input +mouse_urxvt +startuptime +windows
+cryptv +iconv +mouse_xterm +statusline +writebackup
+cscope +insert_expand +multi_byte -sun_workshop -X11
+cursorbind +jumplist +multi_lang +syntax -xfontset
+cursorshape +keymap -mzscheme +tag_binary +xim
+dialog_con_gui +langmap +netbeans_intg +tag_old_static -xsmp
+diff +libcall +odbeditor -tag_any_white -xterm_clipboard
+digraphs +linebreak +path_extra -tcl -xterm_save
+dnd +lispindent +perl +terminfo
-ebcdic +listcmds +persistent_undo +termresponse
system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
system gvimrc file: "$VIM/gvimrc"
user gvimrc file: "$HOME/.gvimrc"
2nd user gvimrc file: "~/.vim/gvimrc"
system menu file: "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim"
fall-back for $VIM: "/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/Resources/vim"
Compilation: clang -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DFEAT_GUI_MACVIM -Wall -Wno-unknown-p
ragmas -pipe -DMACOS_X_UNIX -no-cpp-precomp -g -O2 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE
Linking: clang -L. -L. -L/usr/local/lib -o Vim -framework Cocoa -framework Carb
on -lncurses -liconv -framework Cocoa -fstack-protector -L/usr/local/lib -L/Sy
stem/Library/Perl/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level/CORE -lperl -lm -lutil -lc -framework
Python -framework Ruby
MacVim is sourcing its default gvimrc
after your ~/.vimrc
. It contains this snippet:
" Load the MacVim color scheme. This can be disabled by loading another color
" scheme with the :colorscheme command, or by adding the line
" let macvim_skip_colorscheme=1
" to ~/.vimrc.
if !exists("macvim_skip_colorscheme") && !exists("colors_name")
colorscheme macvim
What happens is simple: MacVim's default colorscheme overrides your :hi
commands when you launch Vim and your :hi
commands override the default colorscheme when you source ~/.vimrc
The fix is simple too: turn your :hi
commands into a real colorscheme as per Ingo's answer.
Also, set background=light
is only useful in a colorscheme so move that line as well.