I am fairly new with Git and using Git on my windows machine through the command prompt. Currently I only have got one master branch and I want to create a new branch (current). I'm a bit confused with some of the commands.
Can someone give me some instructions to follow? I don't find git references very useful. I am not new to source control, just new to Git. Thanks.
Please read the Pro Git book.
To make a branch in the same place as you are in history:
git branch branch_name
to switch to that branch use
git checkout branch_name
you can do both of those at the same time with:
git checkout -b branch_name
to keep alternating between the last 2 branches use
git checkout -
(this is the similar to the behaviour of cd -
Once you get better with the syntax of git, use a good branching strategy and stick with it. I use Branch per Feature.