I want to generate some dummy content that i can test with in BootStrap.groovy, but I'm struggling to get it to work when I have more than one relationship.
I have 3 domain classes: User, Book and Author
A user has many books. An author has many books.
I have it set up like the following:
class User {
static hasMany = [books:Book]
class Author {
static hasMany = [books:Book]
class Book {
static belongsTo = [author:Author, user:User]
I want BootStrap.groovy to create and save a few books but i cant get it to work. Heres what I have:
def init = { servletContext ->
def u1 = new User(login:"mrx", password:"p", name:"Mr X")
def u2 = new User(login:"mry", password:"p", name:"Mr Y")
def a1 = new Author(name:"Mary Shelley")
def a2 = new Author(name:"Stephen King")
def b1 = new Book(title:"Frankenstein")
def b2 = new Book(title:"The Shining")
def b3 = new Book(title:"Misery")
When i view Book/index (which is the scaffold and should just display a list of all books) I dont get any errors, but no books appear in the list. What am I doing wrong?
It seems you don't have Book instance to add. I usually just create instances with the references instead of using addTo method. E.g.
new Book(author:a1, user:u1, title:'Test', isbn:'test').save()
The relationship will be there later after the BootStrap