Does Phobos have some variadic algorithm to order l-value reference arguments in place? Something like
int a=3;
int b=2;
int c=1;
// a is now 1
// b is now 2
// c is now 3
Also a functional variant, say order(a, b, c)
, that returns a tuple would also be nice.
If not, I guess we should make use of std.algorithm:swap
See also[email protected]
Adam's solution works, although it uses a temporary copy of the elements. With a small modification to std.algorithm, it's possible to write a version which sorts the elements in-place:
import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.typecons;
struct SortableRef(T)
private T * _p;
@property ref T value() { return *_p; }
alias value this;
void opAssign(T * value) { _p = value; }
@disable void opAssign(SortableRef!T value);
void proxySwap(SortableRef!T other) { swap(*_p, *other._p); }
template PointerTo(T) { alias T* PointerTo; }
void orderInPlace(T...)(ref T values)
if (!is(CommonType!(staticMap!(PointerTo, T)) == void))
alias CommonType!T E;
SortableRef!E[values.length] references;
foreach (i, ref v; values)
references[i] = &v;
void main()
int a=3;
int b=1;
int c=2;
orderInPlace(a, b, c);
writeln([a, b, c]);
However, it is only practical if the values passed to orderInPlace
are large, unassignable, or otherwise impractical to copy.