I'm having a bit of a brain fart... Listing results of available slots by date. And it is set for showing a week ahead... But I'd like it to show the last result after 8am in the morning, rather than at midnight each night... Is there a way to do that?
This code below works fine for displaying the results, just shows it at midnight each night - and I'd like it to show the next result at 8am...
<cfset datelist = #DateAdd("d", tydef.numdays, todaydate)#>
<cfquery name="list" datasource="#ds#">
select * from shindates
where sdate >= #createODBCDate(todaydate)#
and stime >= #createODBCDateTime(timehr)#
and sdate <= #createODBCDateTime(datelist)#
and typeid = '#ty.typeid#'
order by sdate, stime
K - I think I have it sorted using a cfif and cutting off last day - then searching for last day by itself when it is after 9am - works... But if anyone has any code cleanup suggestions - I'll take them...
This works below
<cfset datelist = #DateAdd("d", tydef.numdays, todaydate)#>
<cfset sdatelist = #DateAdd("d", -1, datelist)#>
<cfset stime = CreateTime(9,0,0)>
<cfquery name="shinny" datasource="#ds#">
select * from shindates
where sdate >= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#todaydate#">
and stime >= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_time" value="#timehr#">
and sdate <= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#sdatelist#">
and typeid = '#ty.typeid#'
order by sdate, stime
<cfif #DatePart("h", timenow)# GTE #DatePart("h", stime)#>
<cfquery name="lastday" datasource="#ds#">
select * from shindates
where sdate >= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#datelist#">
and sdate <= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#datelist#">
and typeid = '#ty.typeid#'
order by sdate, stime
By cutting off the datelist above on my edited post above - I was able to accomplish this.
Basically I pull the week - cut off the last date.
Display the week exclusing the last day. And then after 9am - display the last day with a simple cfif statement on the 9am.