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Context specific navigation in Genshi and CherryPy

Using the Genshi templating engine with CherryPy, I need to have a context-specific site navigation which displays a different menu for logged in users.

Users are identified by a CherryPy session.

What would be the best way to show a different menu for logged in users?


  • We check to see if the user is logged in...

    import cherrypy
    from genshi.template import TemplateLoader
    def index(self):
    tmpl = loader.load('index.html')
        return tmpl.generate(title='Geddit').render('html', LoggedIn=True)
        return tmpl.generate(title='Geddit').render('html', LoggedIn=False)

    your template would like something like this...

                if (LoggedIn) {
                  # Logged In menu
                } else {
                  # not Logged In menu

    If they are we send a variable to the template to show Log Out instead of Login.

    We're using this for Authentication...

    Include the comments for security reasons. Hope this helps!