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Date time selectors in padrino and Jquery using slim framework

I'm new in this tecs and i need to do a datetimepicker or something to choose a date vale.. is it any sort of "datetime_field"? or only is posible using Java sciprt or Jquery... I tried something like this in my code.. but nothing heppends

= f.text_field :Eventdatetime, :class => 'form-control input-large input-with-feedback'
span class='help-inline' = error ? f.error_message_on(:Eventdatetime, :class => 'text-error') : pat(:example)
   jQuery(function() {
    $( "#Eventdatetime" ).datepicker();



  • There's no method datepicker() in jQuery (you may be getting confused with its sister library jQuery UI) so you'll need to include an external library to implement such functionality.

    I can recommend this one, I use it myself in production environments and have never had any issues with it. It's as easy to use as you'd expect:

    new Date($("input").val());