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How to get all string from json document in jsoniq or javascript?

I am trying to get all the values of json string as a single string. for example in xquery xml

let $x := <a> welcome to the world of <b> JSONiq </b></a>
return string($x)

will return welcome to the world of JSONiq

what is the equvalent result of of following documents in JSONiq:

let $y := {"a":"welcome to the world of ","b":" JSONiq"}
return xxxx($y)

The result should be same welcome to the world of JSONiq If you know in javascript also it would be great.


  • First you need to get all values, either with libjn:values or its definition, then you can use fn:string-join to get a single string:


    declare namespace libjn = "";
    let $y := {"a":"welcome to the world of ","b":" JSONiq"}
    return string-join(libjn:values($y) ! string(), "")


    let $y := {"a":"welcome to the world of ","b":" JSONiq"}
    return string-join($y() ! string($y(.)), "")

    This might also return "JSONiqwelcome to the world of ", since the object keys are unordered