local querycreate = "create user 'dddqwd123_dwqd'@'localhost'"
local create, usercreate, username, userhost = querycreate:match("^(%w+)%s+(%w+)%s+\'(%w)\'@\'(%w)\'$")
print(string.format("query: %s", querycreate))
print(string.format(" var create = %s \n var usercreate = %s \n var username = %s \n var userhost = %s", create, usercreate, username, userhost))
query: create user 'dddqwd123_dwqd'@'localhost'
var create = nil
var usercreate = nil
var username = nil
var userhost = nil
My regex works fine on http://regexr.com?37voi.
If I change it to ("^(%w+)%s+(%w+)%s+")
, it outputs:
var create = create
var usercreate = user
var username = nil
var userhost = nil
If I remove quotes from querycreate
by setting it to "create user dddqwd123_dwqd @ localhost"
and use ^(%w+)%s+(%w+)%s+(%w+) @ (%w+)$
, then the output is normal.
Your initial pattern:
. You will need a character class including _ everywhere you would need to match it.With some improvement:
Alternatively: If you wanted to match anything within a set of quotes '
, you could match against its inverse class:
will capture anything (including nothing) that isn't '
, until the end of the string or a '
is found.