so i am working on a game that is very siilar to's tile-based tutorials I have this function.
function isTeleporter (xt:int, yt:int):Boolean
if(currentMap[yt][xt] == 105)
return true;
return false;
In my everyframe function i have this
if(isTeleporter(hero.xtile, hero.ytile))
It gives this error 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite.
I believe it is because to generate the game in the first frame i have this
import TBGEngine;
//call new tbg with Sprite as parameter, tbg will place all visible objects inside this sprite
var mygame:TBGEngine = new TBGEngine(this);
I want to be able to switch frames and have a new level that on the new frame or a credit screen or an animation or something, but currently i have no idea how to do so. Any help is greatly appreciated! Im a sixteen year old highschool student in a small town with no computer science program at my school, so im pretty much on my own.
You cannot use gotoAndStop()
on Sprite because Sprite does not have this method - it is not intended to be used with animations. Imagine Sprite as a simple one-framed Movieclip. Whenever you want to use animations inside of a DisplayObjectContainer you MUST use MovieClip. Same if you are subclassing Sprite - your subclass will not be able to go to any frame.