From the following url:
and a directory named "categories" with various files in it located in the same directory as .htaccess :
How to use the url slug "the-best-games" to check these filenames in "categories"
And rewrite the url using the first matching filename:
Maybe based on these previous questions:
This should work for you:
RewriteCond /path/to/categories/$1.txt -f
RewriteRule /videos/the-best-(.*)$ /$1/videos/the-best-$1 [R,L]
It will parse the rule and look for the-best-(whatever), take that value and examine the file system for the file at the absolute path to your categories. Then it will do the rewrite. If you want to remove the category from the end of the rewritten URL:
RewriteCond /path/to/categories/$1.txt -f
RewriteRule /videos/the-best-(.*)$ /$1/videos/the-best [R,L]