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AirWatch MDM with Xamarin ipa

We are currently adding some mobile applications built using Xamarin.iOS to our AirWatch MDM entreprise store. Unfortunately it doesn't behave as it should: we trigger the download on the device, it downloads the app but it doesn't install on the device. We checked the device logs and we seem to have an issue with profile or code signing.

Have other persons already used Xamarin.iOS with AirWatch MDM? If yes, then how do you build your ipa file? Currently we build them for armv7+armv7s, with all assemblies linked, using LLVM and we build using AppStore mode.

When we build the app in AdHoc mode with UDIDs in the provisioning profile and add it through iTunes then it is installing and running fine. Maybe it is necessary to go the AdHoc way, with this ipa file, with all UDIDs referenced, or, we should go the InHouse way?


  • I haven't used AirWatch but I do currently use the Enterprise program (with ad-hoc builds) for internal company apps. I had the same issue when I tried using the wrong provisioning profile when signing the application.