I want to get an understanding of how to achieve the following. I have a simple CMS that will allow you to upload portfolio information/images. The user can upload one image or multiple images.
To show each image I use a .each
and iterate through all the images for each portfolio...
<!-- Project Feed -->
<div class="project-feed clearfix">
<% @portfolios.each do |p| %>
<div class="one-third project-item"><!-- add data filter class here to enable selection of sectors-->
<% p.images.each do |i| %>
<%= image_tag(i.photo.url(:portfolio_square)) %>
<div class="overlay">
<!-- Small image bottom right of overlay, click and can navigate through all images
<%= image_tag(i.photo.url(:portfolio_large), :class => 'lightbox-link folio', :rel => 'gallery') %> -->
<%= link_to p do %>
<h5><%= p.title %> </h5>
<% end %>
<%= p.sectors.map(&:name).join(", ") %>
<h4><%= p.title %></h4>
<% end %>
<% end %>
My problem is that if there are multiple images assigned to the portfolio (let's say Portfolio 3 has 4 images associated with it) then they all show.
So I want to achieve this layout:
Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3
as opposed to
Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3
Portfolio 3 Portfolio 3 Portfolio 3
How can I grab only one image if there are multiples? Would this be .first
? though I am unsure of the syntax and how it would fit in with my code. Or would I create a separate block and put it in an if statement if the image count is more than 1?
You can use first
like this:
<%= image_tag(p.images.first.photo.url(:portfolio_square)) %>
If you do this you don't need:
<% p.images.each do |i| %>