Can somebody please explain how to write this FSharpx stm as a pipeline?
stm {
let! allTops = readTVar tAllTops
let! thisPlayerTops = mapM removeOtherPlayersScores allTops
let! markedTops = mapM markAsNonEmpty thisPlayerTops
|> Seq.filter fst
|> snd
|> List.ofSeq
I'm thinking of haskell-like >>= pipelines.
UPDATE: A little bit of clarification in order to avoid the confusion:
I was thinking that one should be able to define the >>= operator in F# in terms of stm.Bind and stm.Return. I tried to do that myself by I got lost.
UPDATE2: After Thomas' answer I post the updated version which I think it looks pretty OK. If I understand correctly, because of lack of type-classes the operator >>= doesn't have the same power as in Haskell.
I agree that it's not idiomatic for F# but it's probably a good exercise.
readTVar tAllTops
>>= mapM removeOtherPlayersScores
>>= mapM markAsNonEmpty
>>= stm.Return >> Seq.filter fst >> snd >> List.ofSeq
|> atomically
The >>=
operator in Haskell is just a symbolic name for the bind operation, so you can define it in F# just as an alias for stm.Bind
let (>>=) v f = stm.Bind(v, f)
Using the operator, you could rewrite the code as follows:
readTVar tAllTops >>= fun allTops ->
removeOtherPlayersScores allTops >>= fun thisPlayerTops ->
mapM markAsNonEmpty thisPlayerTops >>= fun markedTops ->
|> Seq.filter fst
|> snd
|> List.ofSeq
|> stm.Return
This is certainly an interesting thing and a good way to learn about monads in F# (especially if you are coming from the Haskell background), but it is not an idiomatic style - the idiomatic style in F# is to use the computations explicitly.
One limitation of this approach (compared to Haskell) is that >>=
is not polymorphic over monads, so you're not gaining anything. Also, I think that there is a general consensus that using the computation blocks is more readable (for F# developers)