I'm trying to replace all the carriage return characters in a string obtained from a multi line text box in a Windows Form with the string ", <BR>"
so that when I use the string in some HTML it displays correctly.
Function Blah(ByVal strInput As String) As String
Dim rexCR As Object
rexCR = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
rexCR.Pattern = "\r"
rexCR.Global = True
Blah = rexCR.Replace(strInput, ",<BR>")
End Function
Tried searching for any of the following characters and still no luck:
Problem seems to be the function/expression is not detecting any carriage returns in the text and I have no idea why? I know the function works as I can put a different expression in there as a test and it's OK
Any ideas?
Others have already provided good solutions to your problem. As a general remark, I would like to explain that VB.NET does not have string escape sequences (\n, \r, \t, ...) like C#. String literals in VB.NET are similar to verbatim string literals in C# -- the only character that can be escaped is the double-quote (by doubling it).
Instead, you have to use the VB constants (e.g. vbCrLf
, vbTab
) or .net constants (e.g. Environment.NewLine
) and string concatenation ("Hello World" & vbCrLf
instead of `"Hello World\n").