Please clarify what is the difference between <meta name="title">
tag and <title></title>
<title>Page title</title>
<meta name="title" content="Page title">
If both are used, which is most prioritised?
I observed some sites that have both <meta name="title">
and <title></title>
tags and both are the same, which is expected, please confirm?
If we didn't use <meta name="title">
tag title, would I have any problem regarding SEO?
<meta name="description" content="free source">
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript">
is a required element on any HTML page to be valid markup, and will be what is displayed as the page title in your browser's tab/window title. For instance, try inputting the following markup into the W3C Markup Validator (via "Direct Input"):
<!DOCTYPE html>
This will produce an error that there is no instance of <title>
in <head>
The <meta name="title" content="page-title">
element is just that -- metadata about your page, that any client browser or web crawler can use or not use as it wants. Whether it is used or not will depend on the crawler/client in question, as none of them are required to look for or not look for it.
So in short, you should have a <title>
element if you want valid markup. The <meta>
tag is going to depend on whether you want to provide for crawlers/clients, and you'd probably have to check documentation for if a particular crawler uses it.