Near the end of the following document:
It says:
This approach achieves strong consistency by writing to a single entity group per guestbook, but it also limits changes to the guestbook to no more than 1 write per second (the supported limit for entity groups)
Does this mean that this write limit is on the specific guessbook? or across all guest books?
i.e. If for example I have "Logs" and "Log_entries" that use the Logs as ancestors and lets say I have 10 different Logs - and suppose I get 5 parallel requests to write to 5 different logs - will it be a problem ? or is the problem only if I get more then one request per second to write entries that belong to the same specific log?
[my app does not deal with logs or entries - it just an example....]
Answer: Write limit is on the guestbook (entity group). More info: Batch puts/transaction count as 1 write (limited per second) clarification: