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Virtuoso Sesame Provider displays the blank page when clcik on new repo

I have configured my sesame according to this tutorial ( to add virtuoso extension into it . When i click on new repository, it display blank page. Can anyone tell me where i did mistake.

I just performed the following steps.

Setup Sesame HTTP Repository

This section details the steps required for configuring and testing a Virtuoso HTTP Sesame Repository.

Install Apache Tomcat web server
From the Sesame 2.3.1 or higher "lib" directory copy the "openrdf-sesame.war" and "openrdf-worbbench.war" files to the tomcat "webapps" directory where they will automatically be deployed creating two new sub directories "openrdf-sesame" and "openrdf-workbench".
Place the Virtuoso Sesame Provider "virt_sesame2.jar" and JDBC Driver "virtjdbc3.jar" into the Tomcat ~/webapps/openrdf-sesame/WEB-INF/lib/ and ~/webapps/openrdf-workbench/WEB-INF/lib/ directories for use by the Sesame HTTP Repository for accessing the Virtuoso RDF repository.
Place the "create.xsl" and "create-virtuoso.xsl" files in the Tomcat ~/webapps/openrdf-workbench/transformations/ directory. Note "create.xsl" replaces the default provided with Sesame and contains the necessary entries required to reference the new "create-virtuoso.xsl" template file for Virtuoso repository configuration.
The Sesame HTTP Repository will now be accessible on the URLs


The Sesame OpenRDF Workbench is used for accessing the Sesame HTTP Repositories, loading "http://localhost:8080/openrdf-workbench" will enable the default "SYSTEM" repository to be accessed.


  • What kind of version Virtuoso Sesame provider did you use? NOTE: Virtuoso Sesame provider ver >= 2.7.3 required virtjdbc4.jar file(Virtuoso JDBC driver) instead of virtjdbc3.jar.