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State of ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty:, ifNil:ifNotNil: and related messages across Smalltalks?

What is the current state of messages like ifEmpty:ifNotEmpty:, ifEmpty:, ifNotEmpty: ifNil:ifNotNil:, ifNil: and ifNotNil:?

Are they available across Smalltalks, and do they behave consistently? You still see things like "object isEmpty ifTrue: [...] ifFalse: [...]" in older code.


  • Currently, I think the state of the art is covered very well by the Seaside coding convetions:



    Do not use any of these methods, they are missing, broken or have different semantics on some platforms:


    • Object: #ifNotNil:, #ifNotNilDo:, #in:, ...
    • Boolean: #and:and:and:, #or:or:or:, ...
    • Collection: #=, #pairsDo:, #with:collect:
    • String: #match:
    • Stream: #position, #position:, #isEmpty


    (highlighting by yours truly)

    Since Seaside has been ported to Pharo, Squeak, GemStone, Dolphin, VisualWorks, VA Smalltalk, GNU Smalltalk, I think this list has some authority.

    Also note that even #isEmpty seems to be not portable, for Streams at least.