One way to set an ImageSource for Image in XAML is like this:
<Image Width="75" Height="75">
<BitmapImage UriSource={Binding Uri} DecodePixelWidth="75" DecodePixelHeight="75" />
This code contains a nice optimization, since a potentially large bitmap will be decoded to 75x75 pixels.
I'd like to be able to replace BitmapImage with my custom class like this:
<Image Width="75" Height="75">
<custom:PictureBitmap Picture={Binding Picture} Width="75" Height="75" />
My application implements the Picture class, which maps to a database table. Picture class has everything I need to create an instance of BitmapImage. So PictureBitmap is essentially an adapter for the BitmapImage.
Here is how I started:
public class PictureBitmap : BitmapSource
// TODO: create Picture Dependency Property
// TODO: create a BitmapImage from Picture
// TODO: implement abstract methods by delegating calls to BitmapImage
Although BitmapSource is abstract, the API reference doesn't explain how to implement it.
Does anyone know how to feed a custom object to Image.Source?
My app supports Windows Phone Mango (7.5) and up.
Solved the problem by taking the attached properties approach.
To set the Source property on an Image using my custom logic, I do the following:
<Image Width="75" Height="75" my-namespace:PictureBitmap.Source={Binding Picture} />
This link turned out to be tremendously helpful:
Also, I noticed that DecodePixelWidth and DecodePixelHeight properties were not available in Mango.
Mango Provides the PictureDecoder class, however the drawback is that it must be used on the UI thread.