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How to feed a custom ImageSource to Image in XAML

One way to set an ImageSource for Image in XAML is like this:

<Image Width="75" Height="75">
        <BitmapImage UriSource={Binding Uri} DecodePixelWidth="75" DecodePixelHeight="75" />

This code contains a nice optimization, since a potentially large bitmap will be decoded to 75x75 pixels.

I'd like to be able to replace BitmapImage with my custom class like this:

<Image Width="75" Height="75">
        <custom:PictureBitmap Picture={Binding Picture} Width="75" Height="75" />

My application implements the Picture class, which maps to a database table. Picture class has everything I need to create an instance of BitmapImage. So PictureBitmap is essentially an adapter for the BitmapImage.

Here is how I started:

public class PictureBitmap : BitmapSource
    // TODO: create Picture Dependency Property
    // TODO: create a BitmapImage from Picture
    // TODO: implement abstract methods by delegating calls to BitmapImage

Although BitmapSource is abstract, the API reference doesn't explain how to implement it.

Does anyone know how to feed a custom object to Image.Source?

My app supports Windows Phone Mango (7.5) and up.



  • Solved the problem by taking the attached properties approach.

    To set the Source property on an Image using my custom logic, I do the following:

    <Image Width="75" Height="75" my-namespace:PictureBitmap.Source={Binding Picture} />

    This link turned out to be tremendously helpful:

    Also, I noticed that DecodePixelWidth and DecodePixelHeight properties were not available in Mango.

    Mango Provides the PictureDecoder class, however the drawback is that it must be used on the UI thread.