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Use an Array controller in different windows

I have an NSTableView in my MainMenu.xib thats bound to an array controller which in turn is bound to a mutable array in my app delegate. Everything is working correctly and I can edit the items in the tableview and add new objects to the array controller.

Now lets say I want to add another window (i.e. a new WindowController) with a tableview thats also connected to the mutable array thats in the app delegate. How would I do this?

I can pass the array on to the new window controller when I create it but my understanding is that if I add another array controller to NewWindowController.xib this will be a separate instance to the one thats in MainMenu.xib - which means that calling addObject on one array controller doesn’t update the other.

Is there some way I can keep the 2 array controllers in sync? Or is there some way to bind the tableview in the NewWindowController to the array controller in the app delegate?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • You can create shared instance of your array controller by subclassing NSArrayControler and implementing singleton pattern or you can add it as property of your AppDelegate.