I find myself in a pickle trying to dynamically instantiate custom QML elements from C++.
So, to layout the problem:
object data structure that is abstracted from any UI.QObject
and derived, I must instantiate the UI elements on demand.Node
has a _ui*
member, and each UI
has a _node*
has a unique _id
, each UI
has an ID
, delivered from the _node*
. The ID property is read only, since the ID is set upon Node
instantiation and should not be modifiable._node*
member is NULL
, so any QML child element of UI
trying to access the ID property cannot, because the _node*
is not set upon instantiation, it can only be set by an aux method, but since the property is effectively a read-only constant, it is not updated anymore after the instantiation when the _node*
member of the UI
is actually set.So basically, I need to be able to set the link to the corresponding Node
of each UI
upon creation, so that it is accessible to the UI
QML elements, but I cannot pass it to a constructor, and since the property is read-only it is read only once, upon the UI
instantiation, when the _node*
member is still NULL
, so the ID value cannot be accessed.
One quick and dirty solution that comes to mind is to add a NOTIFY
signal to emit when setting the _node*
member post-instantiation even though the ID property never really changes, cannot and should not, and add a check for the ID getter - return a fake dummy arbitrary value if _node*
, otherwise fetch the ID value from the _node*
member. Needless to say, this is not elegant, and adds some overhead and the dummy ID value is a potential can of worms, so any ideas how to defeat the ill design of QML internals are welcome.
I just came with a solution, and a rather simple one. Considering that QtQuick is designed in a way that does not allow to specify constructor parameters and considering that the "create and set" approach has huge implications in my particular usage scenario, I decided to simply make the value available to/in the UI
constructor even if not passed there as a parameter.
So, instead of "create and set" I just do a "set and create" and use a static class member that is set before creating each item and used in the item constructor to set the data in time.
class UI : public QQuickItem
explicit UI(QQuickItem * parent = 0);
Object * object;
static UI * rootUI;
Object * UI::protoObject = 0;
UI::UI(QQuickItem * parent) : QQuickItem(parent), object(protoObject) {
if (!protoObject) qDebug() << "ERROR: prototype object is 0, unexpected";
and the actual object creation:
// create QQmlComponent with obj set being set in the constructor
Also, another method, which is applicable when you don't need the object set as early as in the constructor is to create the QQmlComponent
s beginCreate()
, set the needed properties, and finalize with completeCreate()