#lang swindle
(require swindle/misc
(defclass* jacket ()
(size :initvalue 40 :accessor sj)
:printer #t)
(defclass* trousers ()
(size :initvalue 44 :accessor st)
:printer #t)
(defclass* suit (jacket trousers)
If i compile this code and write (make suit) | (make jacket) | make (trousers) into the interpreter, the return is always #<procedure:swindleobj>
but it should be sth like #<jacket size=40>
Did I miss any requires or what am I doing wrong?
Your code is working for me:
#lang swindle
(defclass* jacket () (size :initvalue 40 :accessor sj) :printer #t)
(define x (make jacket))
(displayln x)
=> #<jacket: size=40>
(displayln (slot-ref x 'size))
=> 40
(displayln (sj x))
=> 40