I want to create a tarfile from a filelist.
The filelist has two rows
The shell script looks like:
cd /temp/temp1
tar -cvf test.tar -L inp.txt
All files are stored in the dir temp/temp1
The qshell throws an error:
no file or directory with the name inp.txt
but the file is there and named inp.txt.
The test.tar
is created and the inp.txt
is stored in the archive.
I don't want to put the inp.txt
in the tarball - I want to store the files listed in the inp.txt
What's going wrong?
Only the PASE tar
utility accepts [ -L InputList ]
as a parameter.
Usage: tar -{c|r|t|u|x} [ -BdDEFhilmopRUsvw ] [ -Number ] [ -f TarFile ]
[ -b Blocks ] [ -S [ Feet ] | [ Feet@Density ] | [ Blocksb ] ]
[ -L InputList ] [-X ExcludeFile] [ -N Blocks ] [ -C Directory ] File ...
Usage: tar {c|r|t|u|x} [ bBdDEfFhilLXmNopRsSUvw[0-9] ] ]
[ Blocks ] [ TarFile ] [ InputList ] [ ExcludeFile ]
[ [ Feet ] | [ Feet@Density ] | [ Blocksb ] ] [-C Directory ] File ...
Qualify the path to the utility to use the PASE version:
/qopensys/usr/bin/tar -cvf test.tar -L inp.txt