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SQL cursor issue

I am trying to create a new table using a cursor and a select statements.

     Cursor c1 is 
     select store_number from table1  where CLIENT_ID= 1 and ORG_ID = 1 ;

     Type C1_TAB_TYPE is table of c1%ROWTYPE;      
     c1_list c1_TAB_TYPE;

           For r1 in c1 

            select  store_number
               BULK COLLECT INTO c1_list from

                 SELECT store_number,
                ( (SDO_GEOM.SDO_AREA(SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION(a.geometry,b.geometry, 0.005), 0.005, 'unit=sq_mile') /SDO_GEOM.SDO_AREA((a.geometry), 0.005, 'unit=sq_mile'))*100) Total_area
                 FROM table2 a, table1 b
                 Where store_number != r1.store_number
                 AND sdo_relate(a.geometry, b.geometry, 'mask=anyinteract') = 'TRUE');

                   For i in 1..c1_list.count loop
                                 insert into temp_Prop_area
                  values (r1.store_number,Total_Area);

                   End Loop;
             End Loop;


Here I am using a store number to pass into a cursor.Now once have a store number ,I check want to get the area of overlapping between polygon for each store and the small polygons from table 1 over which the stores overlay. That area is called as Total_area. I am trying to pass this store number and total area in to the temp_Prop_area table.

But I wont be able to do since in my cursor type I just have store_number . So what could I be doing to fix this.

Thank You.


  • Not sure I quite understand what you're doing, but the issue seems to be that your c1_list doesn't have a column to put the Total_Area? If so you can force that by selecting a dummy column in your cursor:

         Cursor c1 is 
         select store_number, 0 as total_area
          from table1  where CLIENT_ID= 1 and ORG_ID = 1 ;
         Type C1_TAB_TYPE is table of c1%ROWTYPE;      
         c1_list c1_TAB_TYPE;

    Then you can just select into that:

                select  store_number, total_area
                   BULK COLLECT INTO c1_list from
                       For i in 1..c1_list.count loop
                                     insert into temp_Prop_area
                      values (c1_list(i).store_number,c1_list(i).Total_Area);
                       End Loop;
                 End Loop;

    But you aren't taking advantage of bulk inserts, which is a shame as you are already using bulk collect. If you define the collection based on your new table then you can use forall.

         Cursor c1 is 
         select store_number
          from table1  where CLIENT_ID= 1 and ORG_ID = 1 ;
         Type C1_TAB_TYPE is table of temp_prop_area%ROWTYPE;      
         c1_list c1_TAB_TYPE;
                select  store_number, total_area
                   BULK COLLECT INTO c1_list from
                       Forall i in 1..c1_list.count
                          insert into temp_Prop_area
                          values c_list(i);
                 End Loop;

    This assumes your temp_prop_area only has those two columns, in that order; if not you'll need to adjust the select to pull dummy values for any other columns.