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JNI parsing error using Eclipse

Maybe it's my configuration problem but... My Eclipse shows error when i'm trying to do sth like this:

// let say that i have a vector like this:

std::vector<Point2f> someVec(/*init vector or sth...*/);

and i want to read a field or whatever like this:

someVec[0].x = 10;

but then Eclipse cry that it's error - x is not a property. Moreover sth like this is "invalid" too:

// both are 'invalid'
// or;

On the other hand I can do sth like this and now Eclipse doesn't see any problem:

Point2f& p = someVec[0];
p.x = 10;

This 'hack' works well:[0].x;

Have ever had similar problem maybe?


  • I found an answer. I included stddef.h which define size_t and some other stuff. Now problem is solved.