I have signed a hash value in windows using BCryptSignHash with ECDSA algorithm. The output signature buffer is of length 64 bytes. I also generated the public and private key blobs using BCryptGenerateKeyPair function (BCRYPT_ECDSA_P256_ALGORITHM algorithm) with which i signed the hash.
I have to verify this signature with this key pair in linux. I am able to decipher the public-private key pair that got generated, using the link "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa375520%28v=vs.85%29.aspx" and able to use the same in linux.
The 64-byte signature generated should ideally be signature pair (r,s) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_Curve_DSA).
Is there a way to understand the 64-bytes signature generated so that i can map the signature blob contents to (r,s) pair in linux and verify it?
Or is there a simpler way to verify the generated signature in linux?
Thanks, F
Is there a way to understand the 64-bytes signature generated so that I can map the signature blob contents to (r,s) pair in linux and verify it?
The r
and s
are in P1363 format, which is simply a concatenation of r
and s
in a 2's compliment format. That is, the signature is simply r || s
You need to know the hash to use this format. For example, SHA1 will create a r
of 20 bytes and an s
of 20 bytes. If r
or s
is "too short", then it is padded on the left with 0's.
Java and OpenPGP are different than P1363. Java and OpenPGP use an ASN.1 encoding:
Depending what library you use on Linux, you may have to convert between the formats. Cryptographic Interoperability: Digital Signatures gives examples of signing and verifying using a few different libraries.
Or is there a simpler way to verify the generated signature in linux?
Try Crypto++. I believe Microsoft and Crypto++ uses the same signature format, so you won't need to convert. See Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm for details.