In my "ServiceEditModel" class i have a property Url with typeof Uri. For validation I search a Regex that check if the Url, which is filled up on my "Edit" page, is valid.
The Regex should check
My Code where the Regex comes in look like this:
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.ApplicationTemplate), ErrorMessageResourceName = "UrlRequired")]
[RegularExpression("REGEX COMES HERE", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.ApplicationTemplate), ErrorMessageResourceName = "InvalidUrl")]
public Uri Url { get; set; }
I already looked for Regex but can't find the right one because this is actually my first experiance with Regex.
Thanks for Help!
I updated my regex so that it also allows url's with a "-" character such as
Updated regex: ^(http|https):\/\/([\w\d + (\-)+?]+\.)+[\w]+(\/.*)?$
This Regex should check simple scenarios according to your constraints. You can easily play with it and improve it (which I strongly recommend, firstly because it's very simple at this state and secondly because you are a Regex beginner :)).
Check it on Regex 101
Basic explanation:
Should start with http
or https
, followed by ://
Followed by N letters and/or digits
Followed by a dot
and a set of letters. e.g.: .com
, .net
and such (note that you must change to \.[\d\w]+
to allow digits also)
Followed, optionally, by a /
and a set of letters and/or digits (e.g.: /questions
NOTE: If you want a full-generic url validator, you must then google for that.