I am trying to create an array of emails from my user model, with a helper method to access them. I will then load this array into a drop down selector. I am new to rails, and the MVC framework is new to me also.
def create_user_selector_array
@user = User.select(:email).distinct
<%= f.select(:associate, @user.map { |value| [ value, value ] }) %>
<%= @user %>
What appears to be happing when I launch this site, is that my selector contains this:
And when I pull just the array it prints this:
I feel close, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong here.
In Rails 3.2 and newer, you can use pluck
# => ["foo@example.com", "bar@example.com"]
Otherwise, your solution just needed a map
@user = User.select(:email).distinct.map(&:email)
Using select
just determines what fields get returned, however you still get an array of ActiveRecord objects, not strings like you were expecting.