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How to entegrate existing .m file into the simulink .mdl file

I'm using robotic toolbox by Peter Corke in Matlab . I have .m file for puma560 robot (it is for robot trajectory. The robot follows given path). When I try to use for ex. "sl_ctorque" simulink file which is in robotic toolbox(it is about computed torque method) , I couldn't entegrate my .m file into the simulink file. My .m file is given below. So if anyone know how to do this idea, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

mdl_puma560    %to create puma robot

for type=1:3  % main for loop. It turns 3 times. At first, it sets the path
    %           to x-y plane and draw the robot, at second for y-z plane
    %           and then for x-z plane

  if type==1 

% The path of robot for x-y plane    
path=[0 0 1;0 0 0;0 2 0 ;0.5 1 0 ;1 2 0;1 0 0;1.5 0 1;1.5 0 0;
      1.5 2 0;2.2 2 0;2.5 1.6 0;2.5 0.4 0;2.2 0 0;1.5 0 0;0 0 1];

 elseif type==2   

% Same thing as first part    
path=[-0.5 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 1;0 -0.5 0.5;0 -1 1;0 -1 0;-0.5 -1.2 0;0 -1.2 0;
    0 -1.2 1;0 -1.7 1;0 -2 0.7;0 -2 0.3;0 -1.7 0;0 -1.2 0];

 elseif type==3

 % Same thing as first and second part     
path=[0 -0.5 0;0 0 0;0 0 1;0.5 0 0.5;1 0 1;1 0 0;1.3 -0.5 0;1.3 0 0;
    1.3 0 1;1.7 0 1;2 0 0.7;2 0 0.3;1.7 0 0;1.3 0 0];


% I created a trajectory

p=mstraj(path, [15 15 15], [], [1 0 1], 0.02 , 0.2);

% [15 15 15] means the maximum speed in x,y,z directions.
% [1 0 1] means the initial coordinates
% 0.02 means acceleration time
% 0.2 means smoothness of robot

numrows(p)*0.2;    % 200 ms sample interval
Tp=transl(0.1*p);  % Scale factor of robot
Tp=homtrans( transl(0.4,0,0),Tp);  % Origin of the letter
q=p560.ikine6s(Tp);   % The inverse kinematic

for i=1:length(q)
% q matrix has 280 rows and 6 columns. So this for loop turns 280 times
% At every turns , it plots one part of movement. q(1,:), q(2,:), ...  





  • You need to write your m file as a function and then use the MATLAB Function Block. The MATLAB Function block allows you to add MATLAB® functions to Simulink® models for deployment to desktop and embedded processors. This capability is useful for coding algorithms that are better stated in the textual language of the MATLAB software than in the graphical language of the Simulink product.

    enter image description here

    Then you can open the block as paste your function:

    enter image description here

    to see an example check out this page.