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Turn based android game with Google Play Game Services and IntentService

Imagine a multi player game for android which is turn based (multiplayer like ruzzle): The user should get invitation, accept, send finished game to other players, etc at any time, even if the game/activity is not open. Each game last more than a day.

At the I/O google mentioned that Google Play Game Services will support "turn based multiplayer" gaming experience as well. What do they mean by this?

When I was reading about it on developers website, I did not see "turn based" anywhere. Also the title of the page was:

Developing a Real-time Multiplayer Game in Android

Can what I need be accomplished using google play game services and an IntentService? What would the drawback of this be compared to using GoogleCloudMessaging?

Can I hook up onActivityResult to an IntentService so invitation, game messages, etc will be handled by the IntentService if the game/activity is not running?


  • Today I read Google Play Services 4.1 and it looks promising. I wanted to share this with whoever stumbles upon this question.

    Turn Based Multiplayer

    Play Games now supports turn-based multiplayer! Developers can build asynchronous games to play with friends and auto-matched players, supporting 2-8 players per game. When players take turns, their turn data is uploaded to Play Services and shared with other players automatically.
