I have uploaded a video to my Windows Storage and noticed, that the seekbar (of the default Chrome's html5 player) is not working. Url of that video is:
Please note: Seekbar is not working when video download is in progress or it's 100% the first time. If video has been downloaded by chrome player and you refresh the page, seekbar works fine.
I'm a video encoding newbie thus i'm not sure if that's the problem with the video, with browser or maybe with windows azure in some way? I also can't find anything about that topic in google.
Properly served files for HTML video need to use HTTP Byte Serving, which allows the browser to request just the part of the file that it needs to let you watch the video. If you don't have this, you run into problems like this one.
When you skip forward in a video past the parts that are buffered, the browser can ask the server for the video file from that point forward, skipping the beginning. You may have noticed in the days when most web video players used Flash, especially on Vimeo, you had to wait until most of the video file was buffered before you could seek ahead, because those Flash players didn't support this feature.
The browser requests the file in this format by using the "Ranges" header. The server should respond with a "206 Partial Content" status code, some HTTP headers about the range data, and only a subset of the actual file. Your server is responding with a standard 200 status response. Here's a more detailed article about this process if you're interested.
I don't know much about Windows Storage, but it appears that it does support this feature. You may need to check your version and your configuration. These articles may point you in the right direction:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee691967.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazurestorage/archive/2011/09/15/windows-azure-blobs-improved-http-headers-for-resume-on-download-and-a-change-in-if-match-conditions.aspx
Good luck.